The Nsakop water catchment rehabilitation project is a comprehensive approach that extends beyond the catchment itself. In addition to restoring the catchment, Ecological Balance Cameroon reconstructed a water storage tank with a capacity of over 20,000 liters, capable of supplying over 5000 homes including the Presbyterian Integrated Health Centre of Nkambe and installed three water outlets including a washing basin. The project also included piping water to the Nkambe municipal slaughterhouse, enhancing hygiene and sanitation in the area.

Nkambe has grappled with water scarcity for decades. The Nsakop water catchment rehabilitation project offers a long-awaited solution. “The people of Nkambe have endured hardship due to water scarcity,” said Gilbert Chou Cham, the Divisional Delegate of Water and Energy Resources. “This project is a dream-come-true. The catchment’s spring source is naturally suited for drinking, and the quality is already good. The entire town of Nkambe can benefit, with the distance being the only challenge.”

The project is expected to significantly improve the lives of the people of Nkambe, especially those in the Nsakop Neighborhood. Tamfor Ambe, a notable and resident of Nsakop had this to say: “This water point will significantly reduce waterborne diseases and improve our overall health. With the improved access to clean water, we will be less vulnerable to waterborne diseases such as typhoid, diarrhoea and dysentery. We will collaborate to help avoid negative activities around the area such as the tethering of goats and we will also collaborate with the council to build a fence if possible.”

According to Njiafu Benardin, Head of Operations of Ecological Balance Cameroon, the high number of people relying on this source, coupled with Nkambe’s water scarcity, served as a motivation for the organisation to undertake this project: “This project is more than just a water catchment,” he said  “It’s about empowering the community and improving their overall well-being. By providing clean water, we’re not only addressing a basic need but also contributing to better health and sanitation. “He said.

The Nkambe council has plans to ensure the long-term sustainability of the rehabilitated catchment area. “The council has a water technician who has been trained by the Ministry of Water and Energy Resources and a water management committee that will do constant monitoring to keep the water clean and healthy for drinking,” said Hajara Donjuma, the 1st deputy Mayor of the Nkambe council.

The Nsakop community is also committed to protecting the water source. Evelyne Beri, a resident of Nsakop, expressed her delight at the project’s transformation. “We’ve suffered for years due to a lack of maintenance and unhealthy practices,” she said. “We’re thrilled to see the change. We’ll work together to protect the water source and ensure our children’s health. We’ll be vigilant and organize monthly cleanups, and we’ll establish a water management committee at the community level to safeguard the water’s quality.”

Eco Balance team had earlier in May 2024 planted over 200 native trees around the Nsakop water catchment area across a 140 squared meter area to conserve and improve water levels and flow.

The rehabilitation of the Nsakop water catchment was made possible through funding from SUGi and under the supervision of the Divisional Delegation of Water and Energy Resources. The Nkambe Council played a crucial role in the project’s implementation and will continue to oversee its management through a dedicated water management committee.

Ecological Balance Cameroon’s commitment to community-led environmental conservation is evident in this project. By working closely with the Nsakop community and providing them with the necessary tools and support, the organization has empowered residents to take ownership of their water resources.

While the Nsakop water catchment is a significant step forward, the challenges of water scarcity in Nkambe persist. Many other water sources remain in disrepair or are contaminated due to factors such as eucalyptus trees and poor maintenance. Ecological Balance Cameroon and the community are committed to addressing these issues and ensuring that all residents have access to clean and safe water.