The trees were planted during the official launch of Eco Balance ambitious large scale reforestation project dubbed ” The Nkambe River Revival Forest project”, aimed at bringing communities together to revive water resources, restore ecosystems, and build a sustainable future for the communities of Nkambe.

The launch was done in June 2024. Gathered during the official kick off of the project were : the Divisional Delegates of Environment Nature Protection and Sustainable Development, Forestry & Wildlife, Urban, Development, Water & Energy and Agriculture. Also present were community members, students and children, marking a significant step towards a more sustainable future for the region.

“We are turning discussions into action,” said the Divisional Officer for Nkambe Subdivision , Boukar, while officially launching the project,  adding: “We are hopeful that this project will address the water scarcity problem in Nkambe.”

The Nkambe River Revival Forest project is multifaceted, focusing on: Rebuilding degraded forests and enhancing biodiversity, improving access to clean drinking water in areas affected by water scarcity and creating job opportunities through infrastructure development related to the project.

At the core of the project is the Miyawaki method, a proven technique that accelerates forest growth and significantly enhances groundwater recharge 3 times faster than other traditional methods . This approach, involves planting a dense mix of native tree species at high densities (3-5 trees per square meter) to accelerate forest growth and significantly improve groundwater recharge. Combined with community engagement, is expected to yield remarkable results.

“This project offers a sustainable solution to Nkambe’s water crisis,” emphasized Njiafu Benardin, Eco Balance Head of Operations. “The Miyawaki method has been globally recognized for its effectiveness in groundwater replenishment. We will keep up with monthly monitoring and cleaning to ensure trees thrive”.

The initiative has garnered strong support from the local community, with the Nkambe council playing a pivotal role as Eco Balance local partner. Hajara Danjuma, the 1st Deputy Mayor, highlighted the council’s commitment to supporting the project and ensuring the survival of the newly planted “The community’s involvement is crucial, and efforts will be made to ensure the survival and growth of the newly planted trees.”

For Nkambe residents, who have endured water shortages for years, the project is a beacon of hope. Mbah Ivo, a local youth, expressed the community’s collective desire for a sustainable future, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding water resources for generations to come. “I am doing this not for myself but for those coming behind me” he said . “During dry seasons, we travel 3-5 kilometers for water, and during rainy seasons, we collect rainwater to survive.

Fon Nfor Amidu, the Fon of Nkambe, welcomed the project, highlighting its potential to improve water security, provide shade, and offer other environmental benefits. “We are happy to receive these environmentally friendly trees that will serve a multifaceted in our environment. The community is committed to protecting the newly planted trees”.

The Nkambe River Revival Forest project is part of Eco Balance’s larger Nature/Forest Revamping programme, which focuses on improving health and well-being, safeguarding biodiversity, and mitigating climate change. With funding support from SUGi, Ecological Balance Cameroon aims to plant over 200 million trees across 10,000 hectares in the Donga-Mantung division.

The project represents a promising step towards a sustainable future for Nkambe and its people. By combining community engagement, innovative reforestation techniques, and a strong commitment to environmental responsibility, the project offers a blueprint for restoring water security and revitalizing ecosystems. With a network of over 13 community nurseries providing native saplings, the project is poised for long-term success.